Fashion drawings are realized by hand with pencil, colored crayon and water color. According to the kind of artwork real makeup, alcohol and perfume are mixed into the colors. For knitwear drawings a real yarn is embroidered into the paper.
Anita is a neurotic fashionista with the bangs of Krystle Carrington. With an impossibly long neck and never ending hair Anita is Juli's signature figurine. The base is always drawn and colored by hand, in a second step some Anitas get digital rendering. Follow the Anita drawings at #DontMessWithAnita
Helga is a gossip noodle. She is a beautiful disaster; chatty, rude yet adorable. In contrast to androgyn Anita she is a curvy woman. The Helga sketches are realized with copic markers. Follow the Helga drawings at #HeartbreakHelga